Mentors for Roofing companies: 8 Tips How to find business Mentor
8 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Mentor for your roofing business
In this video, Dmitry lists 8 questions that every roofing business owner should ask themselves before hiring a mentor, signing up for an online class, attending a conference or paying for a consulting service. The market for classes, social media influencers, and motivational coaches is more saturated than it has ever been. Roofers, ask yourselves these questions before you sign up:
00:51 1. Are they a "magician"?
1:45 2. Did they "fake it" or "made it"?
2:30 3. Do you like their personality?
3:00 4. Do you like their lifestyle?
3:45 5. How much does it cost?
4:34 6. Do they inspire you?
5:13 7. Have they achieved what you want to achieve?
5:35 8. Are you ready to implement?
8 Tips for How to Find a Business Mentor
1. Are they a “magician?”
Does your mentor only talk a good game, or does he back it up, too? Remember, anyone can claim to be a mentor, but that doesn’t automatically qualify that person to lead others. Do your research on a potential mentor and figure out their background before deciding to dole out thousands of dollars for their services.
2. Do they fake it or make it?
Has your mentor been successful in the past? Is there evidence beyond just their word that backs up their claims? Anyone with a wad of cash can rent a sports car and plug it into their YouTube videos, but that doesn’t make them successful. Beware of the fakers!
3. Do you like their personality?
Find a mentor who you genuinely like. You should be less concerned with their pedigree and more concerned with the way you two connect. Obviously, them having achieved something in the business world is important, but don’t forget to find someone you actually want to follow, and not someone you’re following solely for their nice resume.
4. Do you like their lifestyle?
If you take your weekends off, hire someone who also takes their weekends off. If a potential mentor spends all night partying, and you don’t, do you think you two will vibe?
5. How much does it cost?
Be wary of the cost a mentor demands. Some mentors charge exorbitant rates for an inferior service. It’s important to note that dollar amounts do not always equate to the quality of a product, meaning one mentor might charge $10,000, but his service is less useful than someone who only charges $1,000.
6. Don’t follow anyone that doesn’t inspire you
If you’re simply following the crowd, hiring someone just because everyone else did, you likely won’t feel comfortable in your purchase. You would rather hire someone who shares your belief system and understands your goals more than the big-name guy you know nothing about.
7. Have they achieved what you want to achieve?
Has your mentor accomplished what you want to accomplish? Hiring LeBron James to be your roofing mentor might seem appealing, but the likelihood of you two succeeding is minimal. Hire someone who has walked the path you are currently on. That person will be most likely to lead you in the right direction.
8. Are you ready to implement?
Once you have chosen a mentor and absorbed the wealth of knowledge they have bestowed upon you, are you ready to actually use it? If not, why did you hire a mentor in the first place?
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